Micro Nova & CME Kill Shot

The scenario: Everywhere.

Our nearest neighbor, promixa centauri, recently had a massive CME that would have obliterated it’s planetary systems.  Bu recently, I mean within the last 10 yeas…  um, the amount of time light takes to get here.

What does that mean?  Our galaxy, like our neighbors, is passing through a section of the universe that is causing it’s suns to erupt with energy.

To be completely transparent.  This scenario is world ending.  Less than 0.01% of us will survive.  Those who survive will start a new life in the stone age, in the beginning of an ice age. 

Check out the series on the Galactic Sheet.

This is currently not accepted science.  It is still just theory.  However, this idea is starting to make it into the main stream.  Global warming is a lie and this is the theory that will finally put it to rest.


Access external & internal conditions

  • Security – Public shock and panic. Unreliable
  • Air Quality – Volcanic ash in the air, cover your nose, mouth and eyes.  Unreliable
  • Location Conditions – Tsunamis, leave if below 3500 ft above sea level,  Earthquakes.  Unreliable
  • Electricity – Power outage, offline. Unreliable.
  • Water – Offline, stations require electricity. Unreliable.
  • Food – Not able to resupply.  Unreliable.
  • Grocery Stores – Looted. Unreliable.
  • Gas & Fuel – Looted.  Unreliable.
  • Communication – Offline, requires electricity. Unreliable.

How long should this last

  • Duration – After the CME or Nova, it can take 3 days for radiation and wind speeds to get here.
  • Security – Remain on high alert.  Unreliable.
  • Air Quality – Volcanic ash in the air.  Unreliable.
  • Location Conditions – Massive damage.  Leave.  Unreliable.
  • Electricity – Offline, generators may not work. Unreliable.
  • Water – Public supply offline.  Use manual cleaning methods. Unreliable.
  • Food – Not able to resupply.  Unreliable.
  • Grocery Stores – Over run, dangerous. Unreliable.
  • Gas & Fuel – Offline.  Unreliable.
  • Communication – Offline, requires electricity. Unreliable.

Should we leave or stay

Leave if:

  • You are prepared for the hardships to come.
  • You want to live.
  • You know where to go.  Read my article.

Stay if:

  • You’ve made peace with your God..