Wearing Mask Correctly

If you are not wearing the mask correctly, throw the data out the window.  The data only applies when the mask is being used to its full potential.

  • Use a clean mask or multiple layers.  Washing reusable mask will increase pore size and lower filtration considerably.
  • Use a mask that fits.  Knotting the ear loop with stretch the mask.  Stretching the mask increases pore size and lowers the filtration ability of the mask.
  • Completely cover you nose and mouth.
  • The mask should fit snug against your face with NO gaps.
  • Use mask with a nose wire to prevent gaps over the nose bridge.
  • Remove all facial hair to ensure a tight fit.
  • Do not use mask with valves or vents.

Be aware that certain particulate can also penetrate the eyes and skin and enter through the ears.  In the case of radiation, use full protective coverings.  Radioactive material can penetrate thin layers.  In the case of and airborne virus like corona, to be fully protected also wear protection that keeps a tight seal around your eyes.  Face shields do not prevent you from breathing in particles or prevent virus from entering the eye because of the air that can flow around the sides.


Important Factors

The size of a particulate can be much smaller, but we are considering average and majorities.

The only way to get 100% removal of particulates is to use a water filtration mask, standand and carbon filters aren’t going to clean the air completely.

The type of particulate matters.  10 particles of dust vs 10 particles of radioactive material is going to have a very different effect on your body.

Air borne micro particles can affect more than just the lungs and breathing.  Radioactive particles can penetrate the skin.  Viruses like influenza and covid can also infect a person through their eyes and ears.  Always protect the entire body to prevent any type of damage or infection.


Corna Mask Study

Corna is the most concerning threat at the moment.  Here is the most recent data on mask wearing that I could find.  We are almost 2 years into this epidemic and this is the first study that actually used the actual virus in the study.  Data released Aug 2021.

Japanese Mask Study
Article: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-japan-masks/japan-researchers-show-masks-do-block-coronavirus-but-not-perfectly-idUSKBN2770DX
Public Released Data: https://journals.asm.org/doi/pdf/10.1128/mSphere.00637-20

Mask work if used properly.
Most efficient when the spreader and receive both use mask.
Cloth mask 20-40% effective when the reciever wears the mask.
Cloth & Surgical mask 50% reduction in viral load when spreader wears a mask.
n95 80-90% efficient.



More Mask Studies

2016 Particle Size-Selective Assessment of Protection of European Standard FFP Respirators and Surgical Masks against Particles-Tested with Human Subjects


2021 FDA Mask Study


2019 Optical microscopic study of surface morphology and filtering efficiency of face masks