Know Thy Neighbor

When tensions are running high there is always a concern for mob mentalities and tribalism at it’s worst.  Remember Lord of the Flies?  In times of rioting, chaos, fear, you are going to want to avoid the crowds. 

You also want to know what kind of people are immediately around you.  Needy neighbors may show up at your doorstep looking for guidance.  The criminal element will also be in the streets looking to take advantage of the others, hopefully they do not live next door.

Here are a few ways to be aware of where the crowds may be.  You can tell where crowds are headed, so you can escape the in the opposite direction.  


Go Outside

The fastest and easiest thing you can do is to head outside.  You can see if cars or vacating.  You can talk to your neighbors and take in information.  If they are staying in place and you trust them, form an alliance in case you need a backup.

News & Radio

The masses are going to pay attention and do what their officials tell them.  They will head to shelters, stay in place, wear mask, quarantine, anything they are told to do.  Emergency broadcast will give you directions and let you know exactly where the threats are.

Phone Alerts

The governments are now using your cell phones to send you emergency messages.  These alerts can be alarming and for some scary.  In Hawaii, a mistake caused panic in the local population.  

Social Media

This is a safe and efficient way to see what others are thinking and how they feel.  Most are veru liberal with their emotions and opinions on social media.  Take advantage of that information, know what they are thinking.

Neighborhood Apps

Simple and fast way to find out what people in your immediate area is experiencing.  

Contact Friends

Check on your friends, find out what they know.  Share information.  Circumstances may be different in their area.