Bug Out Bag (B.O.B.)

Preparedness means having what you need when you need it. This is a list of items that you should consider having with you at all times.  Store it in the house and in the car when you travel.  We are going to start with the rule of 3’s and 5 C’s and venture from there.  Consider items that are multi purpose.

A bag for each situation

One bag does not rule them all.  I have multiple bags that I keep packed at all times.  One is my work backpack which contains my laptop and some EDC items.  Another bag that I have is an outfoors bag that I take on fishing trips.  The needs for those 2 situations are very different and I do not want to carry EVERYTHINGH all that time.

Different Types of B.O.B.s.

Lets be practical

You don’t want to carry a ton of gear everywhere you go so lets be practical.  Separate your gear into use case situations.  Below are a few tiems that you should have near by for a “just in case” scenario but be sure to consider use/case situations.  The lights go out in your office and your flashlight is in your car.  Keep a small one in your office bag.  Always have water, a knife and a med kit near by.

The Pack

This thing could get heavy.  You are going to want something comfortable, water proof, compartmentalized, and versatile.


Self defense ensures that you get to keep what you’ve prepared.  You can use almost anything to defend yourself.  Here are some tactics.


The goal is clean air.  I’m leaving pandemic off my site, my view point is not a popular one.  If a fire should break out, you will need filtered air.


Keep a small amount of water near you for.  In a pinch, you don’t want to rely on a puddle or public drinking pool to drink from.


Sugar, protein, items that will not spoil quickly is what you should have with you.  Sugar for energy and preventing sugar lows.

Med Kit

This is not something you will carry to perform surgery, it’s the essentials.  Stop bleeding, infection and pain reducers.


We have all gotten cold at work.  We have kids that get cold in the car.  You need shade from the sun.  A little padding on your seat.


To carry a beverage you need some sort of container.  Different environments have different needs.  Lets look at pros and cons.

Fire Starter

Most of you have seen these.  Be sure to practice with it.  A tip for building a fire, your tinder is more important than the ignition source.

Solar Bank

This is mostly directed at urban prep.  We are very dependent on our devices, this will help give them life.  Use it, test it.


What good is having electricity without the proper cables to utilize it.  Always keep 12v and 100v adapters available.  High amp outputs.

ID & Cash

In our digital world, we sometimes forget to carry hard cash with us.  No power means no cash machines.  Hard some cash on hand in case.

550 Cord

Versatile, durab;e cordage.  Find easy ways to carry cord without even noticing it.  Replace your shoe laces, draw bags, even belts to keep some around at all times. 


Don’t think of this as a weapon.  It’s more of a tool.  I use my pocket knife on a daily basis.  I am often asked to borrow the knife because others know I always carry one. 


Don’t break the law.  Practice often.  Never point your gun at anythin you don’t intend to destroy.  Clean your weapon before AND after every exchange.


In your outdoors go bag, keep tools that make your expereince enjoyable.  Saw, shovel, hammer, nails, rope and more flashlights.


Wet feet, got dirty during lunch, cold at work…  many use cases.  Keep a change of clothes in your car.  You will thank me later.


Keep a light source on and near you at all times.  Don’t use your phone light, save its battery for more important uses.

Duct Tape

You don’t need the entire roll, but carry a few yards on you.  It’s not very heavy but comes in handy when you need it.

Toilet Paper

Worth it’s weight in gold when the supply is low.  I’ve saved many people at parks or parades just by carrying a small amount with me.


Protect your body.  You eyes are important.  Give yourself the advantage in extremely sunny conditions.


Protect your body.  Prevent cuts and bruises.  This can also increase the amount of time you can withstand heat or friction.


Useful in a self protection setting.  The extreme of this situation is in the event of a building collapse or fire.


Not practical for uban scenarios but if ou are in a remote location this could be very useful.


Good personal hygiene is important for both health and social reasons.  It can help lower the risk for disease, illness and infection.  Don’t be the stinky kid.

Trash Bags

Let’s hope you don’t need a trash bag.  Aside from trash, you can collect water, have backup shelter, rain gear, and in worst case, a body bag.


Almost everything you own requires some sort of batteries.  It just amkes sense, carry a couple of the common ones with you.