Trust your government

These are not conspiracy theories.  Declassified docs show that these projects did exist and were conducted on the American people.

I am going to note a few times declassified information by your government show how we were used to test the unknown.  They used their own people as guinea pigs and lab rats without us knowing. 

Dates listed are what was released on documents.  Who knows if these projects or variants are still being used.

You will be amazed once you head down the rabbit hole.  They have always tested on us and I’m sure it was not limited to the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Please do your own research.  Some of this might be wrong or information might change, but this is the premise. Don’t take my word for it, just food for thought.


Operation Big Itch, Buzz & Drop Kick

1955 – 1956

Operation Big Itch and Operation Drop Kick, the corps explored the feasibility of using fleas and mosquitoes as weapons. Declassified government documents apparently show tests were conducted, but with uninfected mosquitoes.
Operation Big Itch was a September 1954 series of tests at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. The tests were designed to determine coverage patterns and survivability of the tropical rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) for use in biological warfare as a disease vector.

Agent Orange


Dr. Albert Kligman was paid $10,000 by Dow to test dioxin, the active ingredient in Agent Orange, on 75 prisoners at Pennsylvania’s Holmesburg prison. Those records were not kept or were destroyed, as efforts to identify the subjects during the 1980s were unsuccessful. However, inmates who were subjects in Dr. Kligman’s skin experiments showed extensive skin problems, including scarring and rashes, for years to come.

Radiation Experiments


In one experiment, weapons-grade plutonium – a highly radioactive element that is produced as a byproduct of nuclear fission – was injected into the bloodstreams of 18 unconsenting patients. Outside of the body, plutonium is pretty harmless and is stopped by barriers such as the skin. Once inside the body, though, it destroys DNA from within and drastically increases the risk of cancer; high doses can kill within seconds. Only five of the 18 patients lived longer than 20 years. Women and children were given food and drink that had been laced with radioactive elements. But testing living subjects wasn’t enough. The government exhumed bodies of people who had died from the exposure to radiation to see the continued effects of radiation on their corpses.


1953 – 1967

Experiments on humans were intended to develop procedures and identify drugs such as LSD to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.

Link to CIA docs on this project.


1950s – 1970s

During the first twenty years of its establishment, the CIA engaged in various projects designed to increase U.S. biological and chemical warfare capabilities. Project MKNAOMI was initiated to provide the CIA with a covert support base to meet its top-secret operational requirements. The purpose was to establish a robust arsenal within the CIA’s Technical Services Division (TSD) of various lethal and incapacitating materials. This would enable the TSD to serve as a highly maintained center for the circulation of biological and chemical materials.

Link to CIA docs on this project.

Bacteria Sprayed in CA

1950 – 1966

A navy vessel blasted bacteria into a cloud of fog that was making its way from the San Francisco Bay towards the city itself. Afterward, the government contacted local hospitals to see how many people had been infected. They expected that only a few would have gotten sick and needed hospitalization, but turns out, thousands were hospitalized, and one person may have actually died. Nevertheless, the experiments continued.

In 1966, another one of these biological warfare experiments was conducted in the New York City subways, when light bulbs filled with bacteria known to cause food poisoning were put onto the subway tracks. The idea was to see if the momentum from the trains would propel the pathogens forward.  

MKNaomi Experiment.


1966 – ?

Covert U.S. Department of Defense program developed in conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It was initiated in 1966 following other parallel programs such as MKULTRA, initiated on April 13, 1953, which was later changed to Project MKSEARCH in 1964. A partner program to MKSEARCH, the goal of MKOFTEN was to “test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans.


1951 – ?

The Central Intelligence Agency’s secret code name for carrying out in-house and overseas experiments using LSD, hypnosis, and total isolation as a form of physiological harassment for special interrogations on human subjects.[9] The subjects who left this project were fogged with amnesia, resulting in faulty and vague memories of the experience.

Previously Project Bluebird, renamed in 1951.

Operation Midnight Climax

1955 – 1965

A CIA experiment designed to test the effects of LSD and other mind-altering drugs as a part of its mind-control research program. To ensure maximum efficacy, the medications needed to be tested on people who were not aware of the drugs being administered, so the CIA recruited prostitutes, who were put onto the government payroll. However, they weren’t the ones taking the pills. No, they were luring people to brothels, strategically located in New York City and San Francisco. The government was operating inside brothels.

tuskegee Experiment

1932 – 1972

The purpose of this study was to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis. Although the African-American men who participated in the study were told that they were receiving free health care from the federal government of the United States, they were not. investigators enrolled a total of 600 impoverished African-American sharecroppers from Macon County, Alabama.[6] Of these men, 399 had latent syphilis, with a control group of 201 men who were not infected. The men were initially told that the “study” was only going to last six months, but it was extended to 40 years.

CDC Acknowledgment site

Project BlueBird

1951 – 1953

Proof of the fact that the “Manchurian Candidate” is real, and has been created by the CIA and military. The documented mind control research includes putting brain electrodes in children as young as 11 years old and controlling their behavior from remote transmitters; giving 150 mcg of LSD per day to children age 7-11 for weeks and months at a time; building safe houses where CIA personnel watched prostitutes turn tricks with customers — the prostitutes gave their customers LSD without the customers’ knowledge; wiping out memories with electric shock, and using animals with implanted brain electrodes as delivery systems for chemical and biological weapons.

Project Chatter

1947 – 1953

Focus on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations and the recruitment of agents. Their search included laboratory experiments on both animal and human subjects. The project was geared to identifying agents both synthetic and natural that were effective during interrogation. The project was centered around, but not restricted to, the use of anabasine (an alkaloid), scopolamine and mescaline. The program ended shortly after the Korean War in 1953, presumably due to limited progress and the success of other projects.

Other projects that I’ve read/heard about, also wiki.

Harold Alexander Abramson
Acid Dreams (book)
Acres of Skin
Addiction Research Center
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Baltimore Lead Paint Study
Belmont Report
Operation Big Buzz
Harold Blauer
Peter Buxtun

Ebb Cade
Cincinnati Radiation Experiments (1960-1971)
Contraceptive trials in Puerto Rico
Henry Cotton (doctor)

Death of Dan Markingson
Operation Dew
Operation Drop Kick

Edgewood Arsenal human experiments

Jesse Gelsinger
Joseph Goldberger
Sidney Gottlieb
Green report
Green Run

Hofling hospital experiment
Holmesburg Prison
Human subject research legislation in the United States

Identical Strangers
Harris Isbell

Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services
Wendell Johnson

Saul Krugman

Operation LAC
Jesse William Lazear
Clarence Lushbaugh

Clara Maass

More More More ….