Adding water reserves

Means adding backups:

  • Collect rain water from your roof.
  • Collect rain run off, make a small pool or pond.
  • Bury water storage containers to keep them from evaportinhg.  Paint your barrels and containers.
  • Know where the water table is.  you can make a well.  It’s [rpbably super deep and north san antonio is rock.  South San Antonio is sand.
  • Caves.  
    • Local Caves:
    • Aquifer zone:
  • Flood zones are the lowest points that could pool water.   San Antonio Flood Map:

Where to get barrels:

  • In San Antonio.  
    • I recomnd the 15 gal barrels.  Ask for the ones that are cleaned and air tight sealed.  They are smaller than the 50 gal and will be easier to move in case you have to leave and take them with you.